Refinance or Sell?

Refinance or Sell?

How do you know which to do? This decision can make or break you right? Put Your Home Equity To Work & Pay For Big Expenses. Refinance While Rates Are Still Low seems to be the Best solution for many... but let's break it down a bit. True, refinancing allows you...

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Moving mom to Assisted Living and I have to sell her home

Moving mom to Assisted Living and I have to sell her home

How do I pay for this? Who can I trust? This is a specialty of mine being both a Registered Nurse as well as a Long-time Realtor/Broker. Finding a Realtor who is also an RN and has worked for over 20 years in this arena is my Niche! I truly care.  Please contact me...

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Millions Saved by Taking Care of Nurses

Millions Saved by Taking Care of Nurses

According to studies the rate of nurse staffing and burnout are directly associated with the rate of hospital acquired infections in Pennsylvania. It is said that there's a higher risk of urinary tract infections for every additional patient added to every nurse's...

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